

Polaramine Tablets and Syrup

Polaramine relieves symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis (including hayfever), such as sneezing, runny or itchy nose, and burning or itchy eyes.

右氯苯那敏(Dexchlorpheniramine) :用途功效


Polaramine 2mg Tablet

Polaramine 2mg Tablet is used to treat many different inflammatory and allergic conditions. It helps treat runny nose, sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. It ...

POLARAMINE Tablets2mg | Kusuri-no

This medicine has antihistamine effects and suppresses actions of substances causing allergy. It is usually used in the treatment of hives, vasomotor edema, ...

Polaramine Oral

Dexchlorpheniramine is an antihistamine used to relieve symptoms of allergy, hay fever, and the common cold. These symptoms may include rash, watery eyes, ...

ODEXC | 西藥藥品查詢

簡稱. Polaramine 2mg/tab ; 藥品許可證字號. 衛署藥製字第027040號 ; 用量用法. 預設用量: 1, 預設天數: 3, 口服, 1日3次,3餐後 ; 藥品成分. DEXCHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE.

Somin 舒敏錠

適應症: 緩解過敏性鼻炎、枯草熱所引起之相關症狀(流鼻水、打噴嚏、眼睛及喉部搔癢)及過敏所引之搔癢、皮膚癢疹。 可能的副作用: 思睡、倦怠感、口乾、偶有視覺上之困擾 ...


2023年9月15日 — Polaramine is an antihistamine. It blocks the effects of the naturally occurring chemical histamine in your body. Polaramine is used to treat ...

A027040100 | 藥品資訊| 就醫指南

Dex-CTM Tab -2mg · 特息敏錠 · AE08M1 · R06AB02 · DEXCHLORPHENIRAMINE · 2mg/Tab · 錠劑 · Antihistamine agnets / 1st Antihistamines.